Village News

2023-02-08 Reg Meeting Agenda Packages pages 1-30 & Page 31-42

2023-02-08 Reg Mtg Agenda Package Pages 1-30 2023-02-08 - Reg Mtg documents initial package Pg 1 - 30.pdf (734 KB)   

2023-02-08 Reg Mtg Agenda Package Pages 31-42  2023-02-08 Reg Mtg and documents pt 2 budget Pg 31-42.pdf (409 KB)

2023-02-08 Regular Monthly Meeting Agenda

2023-02-08 Regular Monthly Meetubg Agenda is now available  2023-02-08 - Regular Meeting .pdf (127 KB)

2023-02-03 Special Meeting Agenda

2023-02-03 Specdial Meeting Agenda is now available  2023-02-03 Special Meeting Agenda (134 KB)

NEW FIRE TRUCK for Chester Volunteer Fire Department

New 551 Hero Fire Truck

Renewal is vital for fire and emergency services to maintain the service that residents and businesses come to rely upon. After 27 years of dedicated service, 551, the “Tanker”, is being replaced with a Canadian-made apparatus that will meet the current and future needs of the community.

Built by Battleshield Industries Limited in Vars, Ontario, just outside Ottawa, the new 551, carries 2500 imperial gallons, 500 gallons more than its predecessor. It has increased pumping capacity and is superior mechanically. In replacing the current tanker, we are achieving recognized industry standards by replacing fire apparatus in 20 years, which benefits all of us.

This acquisition is the first procurement under the new 20-year fire service contract between the Village of Chester and the Municipality of the District of Chester, demonstrating that cooperation and partnership deliver success. We are stronger working together. The purchase was made using existing funds.

Thank you to the Chester Volunteer Fire Department for its efforts and work in identifying the requirements of a new tanker and finding this specific asset.

And thank you to the people of our community in the area served by the CVFD for their continued support of fire and emergency services and patience, as the matter of replacing the tanker has been pursued over the last number of years.

RESULTS: By-Election/Special Meeting Jan 18, 2023

Results of the Special meeting/By-Election are now available  JAN 18 2023 SPECIAL MEETING BY-ELECTION RESULTS.pdf (107 KB)

2023-01-19 Special Meeting

2023-01-19 Special Meeting Agenda is now available  2023-01-19 Special Meeting .pdf (133 KB)

2022-12-19 Special Meeting-In Camera Meeting Minutes

2022-12-19 Special Meeting-In Camera Meeting Minutes are now available  2022-12-19 Special Meeting-InCamera.pdf (46 KB)

2022-12-14 Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

2022-12-14 Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes are now available  2022-12-14 Regular Monthly Meeting.pdf (292 KB)