Village News

2024-10-16 Monthly Commission Meeting

The Chester Village Commission's October 16th Monthly Meeting agenda (216 KB) and agenda package (5.14 MB) are now available.

Items of interest to the public include a proposed survey to canvas public opinion on whether to replace Village flower baskets with alternative(s), and a 2024/25 2nd Quarter budget status report.

The meeting begins at 6:00 pm and is held in-person at the Village office (27 Pleasant Street) and online. The public is welcome!

Livestream links:


2024-09-18 Monthly Commission Meeting

The Chester Village Commission's September 18th Monthly Meeting agenda (220 KB) and agenda package (2.02 MB) are now available.

Items of interest to the public include a Reserve Funds & Investments Policy, the revised Municipal Code of Conduct for councillors and village commissioners, and updates on upcoming capital projects in the Village.

The meeting begins at 6:00 pm and is held in-person at the Village office (27 Pleasant Street) and online. The public is welcome!

Livestream links:


The Lido Pool is CLOSED for the Season

Thank you to all of our guests for spending part of your Summer 2024 with us! And thank you to our wonderful lifeguard and maintenance staff for your commitment and work.

See you next year.

For more on the facility, visit the Lido Pool page.

2024-07-17 Monthly Commission Meeting

The Chester Village Commission's July 17th Regular Monthly Meeting agenda (216 KB) and agenda package (16.43 MB) are now available.

Items of interest to the public include repairs on the Jib Lot property, the Q1 2024/25 budget status report, and a very detailed Accessibility Assessment Report on the Lido Pool and public washroom regarding possible retrofits.

The meeting begins at 6:00 pm and is held in-person at the Village office (27 Pleasant Street) and online. The public is welcome!

Livestream links:

2024-06-19 Monthly Commission Meeting

The Chester Village Commission's June 19th Regular Monthly Meeting agenda (215 KB) and full agenda package (2.97 MB) are now available.

Items of interest to the public include the swearing-in of your two newly-elected Commissioners.

The meeting begins at 6:00 pm and is held in-person at the Village office (27 Pleasant Street) and online. The public is welcome!

Livestream links:

Your 2024-27 Commissioners

Village Commission Annual Election

Nominations have closed for two available three-year seats on the Village Commission. There were two nominees, so they are therefore elected by acclamation to serve 2024-27 terms.

  • Tom Mulrooney
  • Geraldine Pauley

There will be NO polling days held this year. The two Commissioners will be sworn in at the Wednesday, June 19, 2024 Commission Meeting at 6:00 pm at the Village office.

Annual Public Meeting

A reminder that the APM to recap the 2023/24 fiscal year takes place on Tuesday, June 18th at 6:30 pm t St. Stephen's Community Centre. This will be Chair Nancy Hatch's last meeting before retiring from the Commission.

2024-06-13 Audit Committee Meeting

The Village Commission Audit Committee's 2nd meeting of 2024 is on Thursday, June 13th. The agenda (183 KB) and full agenda package (1.48 MB) are now available.

The meeting begins at 2:00 pm and is held in-person at the Village office (27 Pleasant Street) and online. The public is welcome!

Livestream links:

UPDATE: Notice of 2024 Village Commission Election

UPDATE: The 2024 Village Commission vacancies have been filled by acclamation. The election is therefore CANCELLED.

Congratulations to Tom Mulrooney and Geraldine Pauley.

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TAKE NOTICE THAT there are the following Village Commissioner vacancies to be filled in this election:

- Two (2) positions for a 3-year term: June 2024 to May 2027

AND TAKE NOTICE THAT nominations for Village Commissioner shall be made on the prescribed paper form, which may be obtained at the Village of Chester Commission office at 27 Pleasant Street or the Village Elections page. The nomination form must be signed by the candidate and accompanied by endorsement of five (5) electors supporting the nomination.

A candidate and elector must be ordinarily resident in the Village of Chester for at least six months immediately prior to the Village election to qualify.

The nomination form must be filed in person by the candidate or their agent with the Returning Officer (the Clerk/Treasurer), on Nomination Day, June 12, 2024 between 9am-5pm at the Village office at 27 Pleasant Street.

Nomination Day      Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 9am - 5pm
Advance Poll           Saturday, June 22, 2024, 11am - 7pm
Election Day Poll    Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 9am - 7pm

The location of the Advance poll and Election Day poll is St. Stephen’s Community Centre (Tuck Hall), 54 Regent Street, Chester.

For more information on who can vote, how to vote, proxy voting, etc. visit the Village website Elections page.

If you would like to confirm that you are on the List of Electors, please contact the Clerk/Treasurer at or 902-275-4994.

Please note all locations are wheelchair accessible.