Village News

2024-12-18 Monthly Commission Meeting

The Chester Village Commission's December 18th Monthly Meeting agenda (177 KB) and agenda package (3.11 MB) are now available. This is the last meeting of 2024.

The meeting begins at 6:00 pm and is held in-person at the Village office (27 Pleasant Street) and online. The public is welcome!

Livestream links:



Commission promo Dec 18

Nat'l Day of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women

Dec 6th is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

We mark this day to remember the women who were murdered in the appalling mass shooting at Polytechnique Montréal on Dec 6, 1989 -- and all who have experienced gender-based violence and those who we have lost to it.

In Nova Scotia and around the world, women and girls face unacceptable violence and discrimination. We all must act.

For more information, visit:
    Government of Canada
    16 Days of Action - Women and Gender Equality Canada
    Status of Women NS (Facebook) 

Need help? Contact:
    Second Story Women's Centre


Dec 6th NDRA on VAWG

2024-11-27 Monthly Commission Meeting

The Chester Village Commission's November 27th Monthly Meeting agenda (181 KB) and agenda package (3.52 MB) are now available.

Items of interest to the public include the proposed accessibility retrofits to the Public Washroom and Lido Pool, and a new Village appointee to the Chester Fire Services Committee.

The meeting begins at 6:00 pm and is held in-person at the Village office (27 Pleasant Street) and online. The public is welcome!

Livestream links:



Commission promo Nov 27

New Website: Chester Fire Service Committee

A new website detailing the activities of the Chester Fire Service Committee (CFSC), the planning and administrative body for the Chester Volunteer Fire Department, is now available!


You can follow the CFSC on social media here:


Please note the Fire Station page on the Village website will soon be deleted. 1024k

Public Info Meeting: New Chester Fire Station Design Concept

The Chester Fire Services Committee is holding a Public Information Meeting to share the new Chester Fire Station design concept, to be located at 4070 Highway 3. Come and learn about the plans for a new fire station to improve safety and effectiveness in our area!

Residents and businesses from the entire Chester Volunteer Fire Department service area are invited (Municipality Districts 3, 7 and part of 1).

When: Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024 at 6:30pm

Where: St. Stephen's Community Centre (Tuck Hall), 54 Regent Street, Chester

Light refreshments provided.

Livestream: Zoom Meeting or YouTube Live

Follow the Fire Services Committee on Facebook or Instagram for up-to-date news and information on the new station and more. A new website launches soon!


CFSC PIM Ad 10.25 x 4 in

2024-10-16 Monthly Commission Meeting

The Chester Village Commission's October 16th Monthly Meeting agenda (216 KB) and agenda package (5.14 MB) are now available.

Items of interest to the public include a proposed survey to canvas public opinion on whether to replace Village flower baskets with alternative(s), and a 2024/25 2nd Quarter budget status report.

The meeting begins at 6:00 pm and is held in-person at the Village office (27 Pleasant Street) and online. The public is welcome!

Livestream links:


2024-09-18 Monthly Commission Meeting

The Chester Village Commission's September 18th Monthly Meeting agenda (220 KB) and agenda package (2.02 MB) are now available.

Items of interest to the public include a Reserve Funds & Investments Policy, the revised Municipal Code of Conduct for councillors and village commissioners, and updates on upcoming capital projects in the Village.

The meeting begins at 6:00 pm and is held in-person at the Village office (27 Pleasant Street) and online. The public is welcome!

Livestream links:


The Lido Pool is CLOSED for the Season

Thank you to all of our guests for spending part of your Summer 2024 with us! And thank you to our wonderful lifeguard and maintenance staff for your commitment and work.

See you next year.

For more on the facility, visit the Lido Pool page.