Village News

2024/25 Fire Services Budget Approved

The Chester Fire Services Committee's 2024/25 CVFD Budget (233 KB) has been approved by all parties: by the Committee on March 6, 2024; and by the joint owners of the Committee: the Village of Chester on March 20, 2024 and the Municipality of Chester on March 28, 2024.

Having the budget passed before the start of the fiscal year on April 1st is a condition of the Intermunicipal Fire Agreement that governs the Village-Municipality partnership, and sets the Chester Volunteer Fire Department up with the support they need to both operate and plan for the future. All residents in the CVFD's services area (Districts 3, 7 and part of 1) pay the same fire rate, which has seen a small increase this year to 0.094 to enable greater investment in reserves for equipment replacement and for the proposed new fire station which is currently in the pre-design phase. This fire rate is still the lowest in the Municipality.

For more background on the Committee and the budget, see the materials posted under "Chester Fire Services Committee -- Annual Meeting" on this page.

2024/25 Village Budget Approved

After a series of meetings for budget deliberations, the 2024/25 Village Budget (195 KB) was approved by the Village Commission on March 20, 2024. To have this completed before the start of the fiscal year on April 1st sets us up for success in the coming year.

  • The General Government/Operations Budget is $415,201.05, funded by Village property tax.
  • The Capital Budget is $315,105, funded by federal and provincial capital grants and reserve funds. This is for a large repair and accessibility retrofit project for the Lido Pool.
  • The EHS Building Budget is $35,135, funded by rental income on the building only (no public funds). The building is slated for a new roof this year.

The Village property tax rate remains $0.0777 per $100 of property assessment, as it has been since 2018/19.


NOTE: The Chester Volunteer Fire Department Budget is no longer prepared by the Village Commission. That responsibility now lies with the Chester Fire Services Committee, a body jointly owned by the Village and Municipality of Chester.

UPDATE: The 2023/24 Fire Services Budget is now approved by the Committee, Village, and Municipality. See the Fire Department page for more.


2024-03-20 Monthly Commission Meeting

The Village Commission's March 20th Regular Monthly Meeting agenda (190 KB) and full agenda package (10.94 MB) are now available.

Items of interest to the public include:

  • 2024/25 Draft Village Budget - consideration for approval
  • Tax Exemption for Non-Profit Organizations application for the Chester Municipal Heritage Society
  • Request for partner approval (with the Municipality of the District of Chester) of the 2024/25 Chester Fire Services Budget
  • Setting of the dates for the Annual Public Meeting of electors and the annual Election

The meeting begins at 6:00 pm and is held in-person at the Village office (27 Pleasant Street) and online. The public is welcome!

Livestream links:


Employment Opportunity: Chester District Swim Program

Chester District Swim Program is looking for two qualified Life Saving Swim Instructors for the 2024 Summer Season starting July 1 to August 30, at the Chester Lido Pool.

One position is full-time 35 hours per week, Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The second position is a minimum 25 hours, maximum 35 hour per week, Monday to Friday, dependent on enrollment numbers. Deadline to apply is March 31.

Send resumes to: .

For more info, contact Darcy after 5:00 pm at 902-275-8544. 🙂

Note: The Chester District Swim Program is an independent non-profit organization. The swim program at the Lido is not operated by the Village.

Chester Fire Services Committee - Annual Meeting 2024

THANK YOU to all of you who came out to the Chester Fire Services Committee's Annual Public Meeting last night (Feb 15th). It was an informative evening, focused on the 2024/25 Draft Fire Budget and the new fire station design concept project. 

The video archive of the meeting is available here:

Document links from the meeting:

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TAKE NOTICE THAT an annual meeting of electors is being held on Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held at St. Stephen’s Community Centre, 54 Regent Street, Chester and livestreamed.

The Chester Fire Services Committee is a partnership between the Village of Chester and the Municipality of the District Chester, to oversee the Chester Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD).

The agenda will include a presentation on the proposed new fire station conceptual design project, a 2023/24 Q1-Q3 financial report, and the 2024/25 draft budget. All ratepayers of the CVFD service area (1.18 MB) in Districts 3 (including the Village), 7, and part of 1 are invited. The agenda is available here (205 KB) ; the 2023/34 Draft Budget is now available here (445 KB) .

Livestream links:
   -  Zoom:
   - YouTube:

- The Chester Fire Services Committee is a corporate body created jointly by the Municipality of the District of Chester and Village of Chester to oversee the Chester Volunteer Fire Department.
- The members are appointed by the Municipality (3) and Village (3):
Colin MacDonald, Chair; Norm Countway, Vice-chair; Kirk Collicutt, Treasurer/Secretary; Jim Barkhouse; Nancy Hatch; and James Robert
Ex-officio: Fire Chief Cody Stevens and Deputy Chief Greg Conron



COVID-19 Rapid Tests

A new batch of COVID-19 test kits are now available for Chester residents and workers at the Village office (27 Pleasant Street) during business hours: Monday-Friday 9am-1pm.

Boxes of 5 kits available while our supply lasts.

Covid 19 Rapid Tests 2024

Expense & Hospitality 3rd Quarter 2023-2024

Expense & Hospitality 3rd Quarter 2023-2024 is now available  Expense & Hospitality 3rd Quarter 2023-2024 (386 KB)

MODC Recreation Guide out for Winter 2024

Fight off the winter doldrums by being active! The Municipality of the District of Chester's  "Explore Life Winter 2024" (4.71 MB) recreation guide is out now. Find activities for all ages and abilities in the Village and surrounding area.